
Economic Outlook, Analytics and Forecasting

  • Forecasting the Future of Technology Sectors in the U.S. National Capital Region
    RR&S Associates conducted a study of the future of 12 technology sectors in the U.S. National Capital Region for the Northern Virginia Technology Council. The results were presented at a region-wide meeting of the Technology Council. The research team subsequently assisted various companies in devising strategies to expand the product and services aspects of their work, as well as advised area economic development offices on the best ways to extend the range of technological capabilities in the region. 

    This multi-level project seamlessly blended insights from the spatial econometric input-output model (SEIOM) developed by the RR&S Associates and from focus group meetings with leaders (mostly CEOs of firms) in a range of sectors spanning multiple technologies and closely linked to other major areas of the economy. The selection of sectors was based on the SEIOM analysis.
  • Forecasting Commercial and Residential Land Along Navigable Waterways of the Charleston South Carolina Metropolitan Region
    An early study by RR&S Associates developed a system of equations for estimating the land area along navigable waterways that was vulnerable to conversion to residential and commercial uses in the medium-term future. Multi-objective programming was used to generate predictions that took into account the tradeoffs between the conflicting goals of development and preserved wetlands. The model used price data for land development conversions versus estimates for the value of wetlands in terms of their size and distance to the navigable channels. The results formed the basis for the waterfront land use plan for the Charleston South Carolina metropolitan region and were published in The Coastal Zone Management Journal in 1985 V. 13(2) pp. 151-195.
  • Forecasting the Regional Economy Using an Econometric Input-Output Model
    Models that reliably predict future trajectories of metropolitan regions’ and cities’ economies are particularly useful for enhancing economic performance via targeted policies. A spatial econometric input-output model (SEIOM) developed by the RR&S Associates enables incorporating interactions between industries in the forecast, which greatly improves its accuracy over simpler and more straightforward modeling. Based on rigorous SEOIM analysis, RR&S Associates provided advisory outcomes for not only the regions but also for sub-regions within larger regions, and for different industrial sectors. Tailored models were created for the Chicago region, the U.S. National Capital Region, Beijing (China), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and others with great success. SEIOM-based analysis and forecasts equip economic planners and actors with improved-quality information on the likely evolving trends in the economy offering a unique opportunity to get prepared for events.