Core Competencies

Economic Outlook, Analytics and Forecasting

A comprehensive understanding of current and future economic processes and trends is central to the ability to enhance economic performance at the local, regional, state/province, and national levels. RR&S Associates have led the development of innovative analytical tools that rigorously model and predict the likely functioning of the economy. Spatial econometric input-output models (SEIOMs) enable accurate forecasting for the 5-to-10-year horizon for the whole regional economy and for its sub-parts including major towns/cities and industry sectors. SEIOMs were successfully applied to the economies of Chicago, several cities in China and the U.S. National Capital Region.


This approach is invaluable for economic planning and making related investment decisions. Many city-regions host annual meetings for local businesses, government agencies and broadly for the local community to provide information on the state of the economy for the coming year. RR&S Associates have organized and led such meetings offering insights derived from a range of analytical techniques. The accuracy and the detail of this information proved to be of great value to local industries and companies.