Core Competencies

Smart Cities, Big Data and Cyber Security

Urban development is a dominant global trend. About half of all people in the world live in cities and more than 80 percent live within one hour of a city. Two dozen mega city regions house nearly one billion residents or about 15 percent of the total world population. This trend is accelerating with more large cities reaching a mega city status (more than 10 million residents) and some mega cities formalizing their hinterland into mega urban regions that can be homes to more than 100 million residents as in the Greater Pearl River Delta in China. Despite these developments, the knowledge of how to lead, manage and maintain such large urban agglomerations is in relatively early stages. Given that mega cities and their regions are mostly a 21st century phenomenon, sizable advances in the analytical, planning and management techniques are required now to ensure sustained development. Using big data analysis and a range of technologies such as cyber security, RR&S Associates are involved in efforts to tailor policies in mega urban environments including maintenance of law and order, security, policing, economic development, provision of urban services, food production and related logistics. Other services provided by RR&S Associates include education and training of stakeholders on mega city development processes, their patterns, distribution and impacts via conferences and workshops held in the U.S., Europe and Asia and the development of urban dashboard technology that will be instrumental to the efficient management of large urban areas.