Core Competencies

Monitoring and Evaluation

RR&S has monitored and evaluated development projects in many parts of the word. Early projects include a pre-evaluation of the location of a Waste Management, Inc. facility in the state of Indiana and evaluation of alternative sites for providing new education offerings on different campuses of the Indiana Technical College System. Other projects include modeling and evaluation of the effects of regional economic change in Chicago, the U.S. National Capital Region, Beijing (China) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). Additional work involved evaluation of the impacts of mining industry in Antofagasta (Chile) on labor participation, income, equity and innovation. Evaluation and assistance in developing a strategic response to economic crisis in Trinidad and Tobago due to the 1980s oil price decline further illustrates RR&S capability in this arena. In Europe, RR&S associates estimated and evaluated the quality of entrepreneurship ecosystems in the NUTS 2 regions of the European Union using the Regional Entrepreneurship Development Index (REDI).