Core Competencies

Higher Education Policy and Management

To succeed, universities, as many other public and private organizations, must adapt to new realities of the knowledge age. Recent technological developments have been highly disruptive to the ways institutions of higher education operated in the previous century. Major problems arose in the delivery of learning services with a continuing need to modify distance learning as a delivery method in whole or in part. New, on-line only, universities emerged while others adopted partial or blended approaches. On the administrative side, senior leadership and university boards often find themselves struggling to find ways of financing the university when huge pressure is on achieving greater productivity implied by technological improvements. University research portfolios are expected to grow in a context where government research-sponsoring agencies are moving away from a dominant pure and basic research agenda to one with a greater emphasis on interdisciplinary and applied or evidence-based approaches. At the same time university faculty may not be prepared to develop successful proposals for evidence-based and applied studies after decades when the primary focus  was on basic research. 

RR&S Associates have considerable experience in helping higher education institutions develop and grow in the knowledge age with examples such as George Mason University and Clarewood University (U.S.); Jonkoping University and Malmo University (Sweden); National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan); Tsinghua University (China); the Indian Institutes of Management and Indian Institute
s of Technology (India); Bahia University and University of Karachi (Pakistan) and the University of Nah Trang (Viet Nam).