
Antoine Baily

Geographer, specialist in regional science, medicometry and regional development. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Quebec, of the Hungarian Science Academy, of the University of Lisbon and the University of Iasi, Romania. Antoine Bailly received in 2008 the Founder 's Medal, the highest distinction in regional science. In 2011 he is the laureate of the Vautrin Lud International Prize in Geography, the "Nobel" of geography.


Emeritus of the University of Geneva, Antoine Bailly has studied and taught in North America, France and Switzerland. He has been invited to over forty universities spanning the five continents.

Antoine Bailly is the author of 30 works on regional science, human geography and health politics. He chaired the scientific committee of the international geography festival of Saint Die (Vosges)from1993to1999. 

Antoine Bailly has achieved excellence in scholarship and research in such arenas as institution building, international relations, teaching, leadership and in several hobbies including alpine skiing, mountain climbing and cycling. As such, it is an exemplar of human achievement and a model for all of his colleagues.


Antoine Bailly's scholarly contributions have been recognized in the 70's and 80's in the French-speaking world. His textbooks in geography and regional science were best sellers with translations in Italian and Spanish. His pioneer works in behavioral geography, geography and spatial recognition. He has published in English and other languages ??in the 90's and there can be no mistake that his 300 journal articles and 30books are a testament to a life of intense, serious and creative scholarship that has contributed broadly and deeply to geography, regional science planning, philosophy of science and medical analytical methodology.

A passion: Oenology

After studying oenology in France, Antoine Bailly became a member of several brotherhoods: "Bourgeois de Saint Emilion", "Great Rabelaisian Singer" in Chinon, Master in the Order of Port Wine and Tras os Montes, "Grummeur" in Juliènas, Chevalier du Guillon (Vaud), Bonhomme (Saint Dié) and cheese from France. He has published various articles in Plaisirs de Gastronomie Magazine, the Annals of Geography on AOC, and in geographical magazines on the location of great restaurants and fast food.

Founder of the "Cafés géographique" at 1507 in Saint Dié, he has lectured extensively on such topics as "Beers of the world", "Wine and the divine", "Wine, energy and health", the role of the AOC, the sustainable consumption of fish ... Former president of the University Club of Geneva, he participated actively in the management of the restaurant and its cellar.

Since 2000, he has devoted himself to the blending of grape varieties under the name of Meritage, first with B Jaquerod, twice awarded silver chardonnay in the world, and then with C Emery, winemaker-winemaker at the Cave de Valençon in Flanthey . They assemble white and red wines in AOC Coteaux de Sierre (Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay) (Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Gamaret). These wines can be found at .