
Robert Stimson

Bob is a human geographer and regional scientist. He is a leading urban and regional researcher in Australia and has been conducting research and teaching in universities for five decades. He was Director of the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN), a $24 million project funded by the Australian Government led by The University of Melbourne.

Professor Stimson is Honorary Professor in the School of Geography at The University of Melbourne, Professor Emeritus in the School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management at The

University of Queensland.  He was Convener of the Australian Research Council Research Network in Spatially Integrated Social Science, and he is a Director of the consultancy T&S Taylord Solutions (Australia).  Dr. Stimson has been visiting scholar at The University of Hong Kong, George Mason University, University of California Berkeley, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Michigan, and University of Birmingham.

Bob conducts research and teaches in the fields of urban and regional analysis; urban and regional development and planning; spatial analysis and spatial information systems; human spatial behavior; urban quality of life; housing research and policy; and the application of spatial analytic techniques and survey research methods.   Recent emphases have been in the fields of city and regional strategic planning, seniors housing and services planning and delivery.

Bob is an author of 49 books and monographs and more than 450 scientific papers and book chapters.  Bob is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and is a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International.  He was a Fulbright Senior Scholar, and he is the recipient of the Thomson Medal awarded by the Royal Geographical Society (Australia). His work has been funded by national, state and local governments, AusAid, and The World Bank.