
Ting Zhang

Ting Zhang is an Associate Director of the Jacob France Institute and an Assistant Professor of the Department of Finance and Economics, Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore. Dr. Zhang’s research interests include entrepreneurship and aging, workforce development, education and labor, welfare-to-work, business and employment dynamics, and regional economy. She has been a PI or co-PI for multiple workforce related local, state and national projects. Dr. Zhang is a published author of multiple peer reviewed books and a number of academic journal articles. She is a referee for multiple renowned academic journals. Her book Elderly Entrepreneurship in an Aging Economy: It's Never Too Late was favorably reviewed by The Gerontologist; her book Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in China was regarded the best academic book on China for 2016 by the Overseas Studies on China. Dr. Zhang has given invited speeches at the George Washington University, the University of Lisbon, Johns Hopkins University, the National Press Club on entrepreneurship topics. In 2015, Dr. Zhang won again a prestigious research grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to conduct research on boomer entrepreneurship.. Dr. Zhang’s research was quoted by the Time magazine, the Bloomberg Businessweek, Newswise, the Baltimore Sun, and the Baltimore Business Journal, and she was interviewed by the NPR-WEAA station. She was previously a winner of the national Ewing Marion Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship Award, finalist title in the international Charles Tiebout Prize for Regional Science, US Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration Research Fellowship Award, Public Policy Paper Competition by Virginia Department of Transportation, and several other research awards. Before joining University of Baltimore, she conducted research at George Mason University, the World Bank, the Urban Institute, and the Council of Graduate Schools, and taught at UMBC. 

Aging and entrepreneurship, labor and workforce development, wage, employment and business dynamics, longitudinal administrative records , regional science. 

  1. Ph.D., George Mason University
  2. M.S., Johns Hopkins University
  3. M.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  4. B.A., East China Normal University