
Randall Jackson

Dr. Randall Jackson has nearly three decades of national and regional input-output research and applications experience and is among the nation’s foremost input-output modeling experts. He has published dozens of input-output articles in refereed journals, including the first formalized method for regionalizing U.S. national commodity industry accounts in Economic Systems Research in 1998.

In January of 2002, Randy joined the West Virginia University faculty as Regional Research Institute Director and Professor of Geology and Geography, following previous appointments in the Geography department and Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University and the department of Geography at The Ohio State University. While at OSU, he also served two years as Associate Director for Research Computing.

Randy’s research interests center on regional economic development with topics ranging from regional economic development strategies through the refinement and reformulation of regional economic modeling frameworks to interregional trade and conjoined macroeconomic energy and environmental modeling. He has been involved in a wide variety of funded research projects with support from a variety of sources including National Science Foundation, the US Departments of Commerce, Energy and Agriculture, the Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Arthur P. Sloan Foundation.

Randy has published in a wide range of academic journals and serves or served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Regional Science, International Regional Science Review, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, the Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, The Professional Geographer, Geographical Analysis, and Papers in Regional Science.  He was the 2006-2007 Chair of the North American Regional Science Council, and in 2007 received the David E. Boyce Award for distinguished service to the Regional Science Association International. In 2015 Randy was elected Fellow of the Southern Regional Science Association, where he served as the 2011 Association President. He serves on the Western Regional Science Association Board of Directors, and in addition to his primary appointments, he holds Adjunct Professorships in Economics and Resource Economics at WVU, Geography at The Ohio State University, and formerly in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh.  He consults privately through his company, EconAlyze LLC.