
KunMo Chung

Dr. KunMo Chung is an internationally known energy engineer and science policy specialist. He served twice as Minister of Science and Technology in the South Korean government. Professor Chung also served as President and CEO of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology. Dr. Chung was formerly President of Korea Power Engineering Company and has  served as Chairman and CEO of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation.

Currently, Dr. Chung is Distinguished Invited Professor at Ajou University in Korea and Distinguished Research Professor at George Mason University in Virginia, USA. He also serves as Advisor to Korea Electric Power Corporation.

Internationally, Dr. Chung held posts as President of the General Conference of International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations, Vice Chairman of the World Energy Council, and Chairman of the International Nuclear Energy Academy. For these services and contributions, he had received many honors and awards.

As an educator, Dr. Chung has been Professor of Energy Engineering at MIT, Polytechnic Institute of New York (PINY), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Ajou University, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) and George Mason University. Dr. Chung is credited with the establishment of KAIST, which has become one of the leading science and engineering universities. He wrote the original proposal to establish KAIST and served as KAIST's Founding Provost.

Dr. Chung is also internationally acclaimed for his innovations in designs of electric power generation plants and for his studies and implementation of science and technology policy instruments. The Korea Power Engineering Company, which he headed in the 1980s, has become one of the leading engineering companies in the world. The Korea Standardized Nuclear Power Plant Design, which is known as APR nuclear power stations, was initiated, developed, and implemented under his leadership. Dr. Chung holds the basic patents of Transportable Barge-Mounted Power Generation Plant.

Dr. Chung is currently Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Foreign Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Applied Science and Engineering, Foreign Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and Fellow of the International Nuclear Energy Academy. He is a co-founder of the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) in Geneva. He served as the founding president of Korea Society of Energy Engineering and Korea Society of Risk Governance.

Currently, Dr. Chung is leading the establishment of the KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) and the development of Modular Design of Transportable Power Plants. He also serves as a member of the Kenyan National Economic and Social Council and is a member of the International Advisory Board to UAE. Dr. Chung is widely recognized as one of the global pioneers for 'Nuclear Renaissance'. He chairs the Korean Habitat for Humanity.