
Daniel Czamanski

Professor Czamanski is head of the School of Management and the Economics Department at Western Galilee University in Israel.  He has also been a senior faculty member in Architecture and Planning, including at the Technion (Israel) and in City and Regional Planning at The Ohio State University (U.S.).

His research is focused on the application of complexity theory to the study of spatial and location economics, real estate development, urban dynamics and planning; non-linear models of urban morphology; cellular simulation models, and urban growth models.

He has extensive experience in the multiple economic and planning issues of the energy and water sectors and urban and national infrastructure; as well as re-organization of electricity and water sectors.

Dr. Czamanski is active in the fields of Quantitative Thinking for Planners, Urban Economics for Planners, Economic Considerations for Architects, Sustainability in Energy, Water and Land-Use Systems, and Energy Economics.

He has conducted successful projects in Israel, Guatemala, Poland, Canada, the United States, and elsewhere.  His work has appeared in dozens of scientific and scholarly journals.