
Yoshiro Higano

Professor Emeritus Higano is in the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, as well as the Institute of Agricultural and Forest Engineering at the University of Tsukuba (Japan).  He has also been Professor of Engineering at Toyohashi University (Japan).

His principal focus has been on Environment Policy, Urban and Regional Economics, Urban Systems Simulation, Environmental Influence Valuation/Environment Policy, and Area Studies.

Dr. Higano’s research and consulting projects center on topics related to Large Urban System Model Simulation, Environmental Quality Programming Model Simulation, Telecommunications, and Spatial Economic analysis.  He uses tools of Mixed Integer Programming to examine complex issues related to taxation, pollution, watershed management, energy economics, and regional development.

Professor Higano has published well over 100 scholarly and analytical works in books and journals around the world.  He has completed professional work in Japan, Bangladesh, and China.