
Peter Batey

Professor Peter Batey is Emeritus Professor of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Liverpool, Great Britain.  Professor Batey is degreed in geography from the University of Sheffield, and also holds the Master’s degree in planning, and the Ph.D. in regional science from the University of Liverpool.

He was a Fulbright Scholar in the Regional Science Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and has an international reputation for his work in quantitative urban and regional analysis and planning methodology.       

He held the Lever Chair in Town and Regional Planning, the oldest Chair in the subject in the world, and has served as President of the Regional Science Association International, where he was elected a Fellow in 2006. He has also been a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and has been editor-in-chief of Town Planning Review, a leading international journal, from 1992 until 2017.

He has extensive experience in designing and implementing evaluation studies.  He has played an active role in urban and regional affairs, notably as government-appointed independent chair of the 25-year Mersey Basin Campaign, one of North West England's most successful cross-sector partnerships, 2004-2010.  He continues to be involved in water-related matters as Chairman of the Mersey Rivers Trust. He was a member of the North West Regional Economic Forecasting Panel, which advised the North West Development Agency, from 2003-11. He served as Chairman of Governors at Merchant Taylors' Schools, Crosby, from 2011 to 2016. In recognition of this extensive portfolio of public service, he received the 2015 Celebrating Success Award for Civic Contribution from the University of Liverpool.  Upon retirement from the Lever Chair, he was appointed as Emeritus Professor of Town and Regional Planning in 2015

He has received numerous awards for his projects and lifetime achievements in Great Britain and Ireland, Hungary, and the United States.