
Neil Reid

Professor Reid is Professor of Geography and Planning at the University of Toledo.  He has recently served as Visiting Professor on the Faculty of Engineering at the Cz?stochowa University of Technology (Poland).  He is the long-time Director of the Jack Ford Urban Affairs Center at the University of Toledo.

Dr. Reid has research interests in the area of regional science and local economic development. His work has been widely published in a range of geography and regional science journals including the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, The Professional Geographer, Annals of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science, and Economic Development Quarterly.  Professor Reid is Chair of the International Geographical Union’s Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces, and he represents the Regional Science Association of the Americas on the Regional Science Association International Council, serves as Editor for the Americas for Regional Science Policy and Practice, and on the Editorial Board of Applied Geography.

He is co-author of “Sustainable economies: Challenges, transitions and trajectories from a spatial perspective” (2018).

He earned the M.A. degree in Geography from Miami University, and the Ph.D. degree in Geography from Arizona State University.