
Charlie Karlsson

Charlie Karlsson is Professor Emeritus of the Economics of Technological Change at Jönköping International Business School (Sweden).  He also serves as Guest Professor of Economics at University West, Trollhättan, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Organization at Blekinge Technical University – Ronneby, and Associate Professor in Regional Planning at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.  Professor Karlsson is also Research Professor at the Institute for Economic Research, Halle (Germany), and Visiting Professor, University of Bergamo (Italy).


He is Director of the Institute of Industrial Research, the Centre for Innovation Systems, Entrepreneurship and Growth, and the Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies.


He holds the B.S. and M.S. in Economics from the University of Gothenburg, and the Ph.D. in Economics from Umeå University.


Dr. Karlsson’s work centers on regional and economic aspects of entrepreneurship and growth, including for example, Strategic Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Spill-overs, Innovation Persistency of Firms, Extra-regional Linkages and Economic Growth, and Global Clusters of Innovation.


Research and findings from Professor Karlsson have appeared in hundreds of scholarly journals and books around the world.  His most recent books include: Geographies of Growth. Innovations, Networks and Collaborations, Political Entrepreneurship. Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy. Knowledge, and Technology Internationalization.